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Tours & Sightseeing in Donegal


Whether you are coming to Donegal or have already arrived, there are loads of excellent Guided Tours offering tailor made itineraries and the opportunity to see all of the fantastic attractions around the County. Get the authentic Donegal experience with one of our many Tour and Sightseeing Operators.

Donegal Food Tours


Donegal Food Tours was born out of our desire to showcase the very best Donegal has to offer.

Donegal Food Tours aim is to connect the dots, showcase the best produce in the North West and be part of the movement to revive old Irish culinary traditions and the food of our ancestors. So, Sit back and relax as we take you on a guided tour of our beautiful county, home to some of Ireland’s finest food producers.

We frequently announce new tour dates and can arrange bespoke tours for large groups. If you have a date in mind, please contact us on info@donegalfoodtours.com for more information or signup to our newsletter to stay informed of new dates.


Indoor/outdoor Indoor,Outdoor

Opening Hours

Tours usually run from 1pm - 6pm.


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