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Walking & Hiking in Donegal


Pull on a pair of walking boots, point yourself in any direction you like and feel the wilderness speak to you. The walking experience in County Donegal is second to none. From our Waymarked Ways, National Looped Walks, Coastal Paths and Island Loops, County Donegal is a walkers mecca!

Ballyarr Woodland Walk

Ballyarr Wood Nature Reserve,Co. Donegal,Ramelton

Ballyarr Wood is a national Nature Reserve owned and managed by the National Parks & Wildlife Service. It has been designated as a Special Area of Conservation under the EU Habitats Directive because it is one of the best and largest examples of semi-natural deciduous woodland in the north-west of the country, and it forms an important link in Ireland’s network of woodland reserves. Old sessile oak woods with holly and hazel is a habitat listed in Annex I of the EU Habitats Directive.

Access is provided at Ballyarr by a circular path which takes you through the oldest part of the woodland and shows the variety of habitats.

Looped Trail

Length: 2km | Time: 1 hour - easy

Nearest town: Ramelton


Indoor/outdoor Outdoor

Opening Hours

Open all year round


Ballyarr Wood Nature Reserve,
Co. Donegal,

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