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Where is Donegal located?

Republic of Ireland


Welcome to County Donegal


County Donegal is one of the 26 counties of the Republic of Ireland. It's a border County, bounded on the southwest, west and north by the Atlantic Ocean and on the east by Counties Tyrone, Derry, Fermanagh and Leitrim.

Donegal shares 93% of its entire land boundary with Northern Ireland and the remainder with County Leitrim in the south. Donegal has the largest land border of any County with Northern Ireland.

The currency is Euro (€)

County Donegal Map

Photo: Map of County Donegal (click on the map to download the file) 

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Donegal is home to Ireland’s most northerly point at Malin Head, one of the highest sea cliffs in Europe at
Sliabh Liag and a wealth of sandy beaches such as Magherawarden, Rossnowlagh, Trawbrega, White Strand, Narin, Marble Hill, Downings, Carrickfinn and Magheroarty naming just a few. Many beaches have Blue Flag status.

Five Fingers Strand, Inishowen, Co. Donegal

Photo: Five Fingers Strand, Inishowen, Co. Donegal

Two major sea Loughs can be enjoyed in Donegal; Lough Swilly and Lough Foyle. It also has one of the longest coastlines of not only the Wild Atlantic Way, but also of any county on the island of Ireland. 

Donegal enjoys several different geographical attributes from its low lying sandy beaches to its mountainous terrain
and its series of rugged peninsulas. Additionally, Donegal also boasts one of the largest collections of inhabited
and uninhabited islands off its coastline.


Donegal Gaeltacht

The largest Gaeltacht in the country, as part of the Wild Atlatnic Way, spreads from the Gleann Cholm Cille (Glencolmcille) region of the south up along the west coast and through Donegal's Gaeltacht Láir 9Central)
region of the Derryveagh range adn th scenic Poisoned Glen; and north through the Rosses, Gaoth Dobhair, Cloich Cheann Fhaola and on to Fanad Head.

Dunlewey, Co. Donegal

Photo: Dunlewey, Co. Donegal

>>> Getting Here - find out more

Donegal's Islands

Donegal islands are the jewels of Donegal's Gaeltacht where visitors can experience a vibrancy to the Irish culture that both inspiring and engaging. The wild and beautiful islands have captured imagination for thousands of eyars and provided stimulus for artists and writers alike.

Inishree Island, Co. Donegal
Photo: Inishfree island, Co. Donegal

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