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Walking & Hiking in Donegal


Pull on a pair of walking boots, point yourself in any direction you like and feel the wilderness speak to you. The walking experience in County Donegal is second to none. From our Waymarked Ways, National Looped Walks, Coastal Paths and Island Loops, County Donegal is a walkers mecca!

Culdaff Slí


The Culdaff Slí na Sláinte is a 3.4km route, which starts at the Wee Hall in the village centre. The route continues for 1.7km along a well-maintained path towards Culdaff beach, car park and children’s playground. To complete the route, walk back to the starting point at the Wee Hall.

Linear Trail

Length 3.4km Time 30min

Nearest Town: Culdaff

Coillte Recreational Trails.

The Long Strand is an optional circuit which takes in a walk along the shore of Culdaff Bay and the estuary of the Culdaff River. There is no path and the route is on occasion not possible due to high tides. When tides are high, a shorter alternative is possible by leaving the beach at the western car park before reaching the turn along the estuary.

Slí na Sláinte stands for path to health. Developed by the Irish Heart Foundation - the national heart and stroke charity - its the outgoing way to make walking far more enjoyable. Already, its capturing the attention of young and old, not only in Ireland but in Europe and other parts of the world too!

And no wonder, because its a fun, healthy way for the average adult to accumulate the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity on most, or preferably all days of the week.

Youll find Slí na Sláinte walking routes all over Ireland. They are marked by bright colourful signposts which are not numbered and are situated at 1 km intervals.

Simply follow the Km signs, set your pace to suit your enjoyment and youll quickly feel better and get fitter. You will also experience a great sense of achievement.


Indoor/outdoor Outdoor

Opening Hours

All year round



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