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Tours & Sightseeing in Donegal


Whether you are coming to Donegal or have already arrived, there are loads of excellent Guided Tours offering tailor made itineraries and the opportunity to see all of the fantastic attractions around the County. Get the authentic Donegal experience with one of our many Tour and Sightseeing Operators.

Star Wars Movie Tour

Drumskellan,Ture,Malin Head

New from December 2017 we will be offering a new regular walking tour at Malin Head, the location that is home to scenes from Star Wars Episode 8. Your tour guide is Bren Whelan, who worked on Episode 8 as a personal safety assistant to Daisy Ridley & Mark Hamill during filming at the Malin Head location. This is a great tour for all the family, that will provide you with a real insight into this amazing location on Ireland`s Wild Atlantic Way!

*Malin Head Movie Tours are in no way associated with Disney / Lucas Films.


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