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News and Events about County Donegal in Ireland © Go Visit Donegal Blog, 2019.
At Go Visit Donegal, we are always looking for innovative ways to support and promote the unique cultural landscape of our county. This year, we're excited to announce a series of initiatives designed to enhance the visibility and success of local festivals and events. From expert-led online workshops to our monthly "What's On" features, we are dedicated to not only celebrating but actively boosting the rich festivities our county has to offer.
The European Interreg Project TOURBO involves eight European partners, including Donegal County Council. TOURBO contributes to the TWIN TRANSITION PATHWAY approach by promoting innovative ideas and practices to foster green and digital solutions for tourism MSMEs, aiming at creating a more responsive, smart and inclusive policy framework:
TOURBO's overarching goal is to provide a viable and progressive approach to integrating a resilient tourism sector into local and regional policies by means of GREEN AND SMART SOLUTIONS in the sense of INDUSTRY.
Beneath the well-trodden paths of Donegal's famed attractions lies a world less explored, where the whispers of history and the breath of the Atlantic breeze converge to tell tales untold. This is Donegal off-the-beaten-track – a haven for the curious, the adventurers, and those who seek to immerse themselves in the authentic essence of Ireland's rugged North West. As the world rushes by, these hidden gems remain preserved in time, offering solace and a rare glimpse into untouched landscapes, secluded beaches, and the enduring spirit of local communities.
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