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Tours & Sightseeing in Donegal


Whether you are coming to Donegal or have already arrived, there are loads of excellent Guided Tours offering tailor made itineraries and the opportunity to see all of the fantastic attractions around the County. Get the authentic Donegal experience with one of our many Tour and Sightseeing Operators.

Off the Beaten Path

newtown,Tory Island

Find out more

We are a unique Scenic Tour Provider in North West Donegal. We are unique in that we use Electric fat bikes to take you some of the more remote stunning areas of Donegal.

Explore the County Donegal Like Never Before.

Fun adventures showing off the stunning scenery of Donegal.

You’ve never seen Donegal like this.

It’s time to hop on an electric fatbike and take a thoroughly epic tour Tour of Donegal.

Uncover the hidden gems Donegal has to offer, from the most beautiful remote areas to other places that are a little harder to come by on foot.

Off the Beaten Path is your tour guide that is designed for people of ages 15 and up and for most fitness levels to enjoy. Together, we’ll embark on a scenic tour through Glenveagh National Park, Tory Island, Hornhead and more.


Indoor/outdoor Outdoor

Opening Hours

Sunday - Saturday 9am till 10pm


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