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Cafés & coffee shops in Donegal

A trip to Donegal will not be complete without sampling our homemade scones and jam. We also do great coffee!

Donegal has a very unique café culture. Our coffee shops are often independently owned offering delicious homemade cakes and treats.

Caffe Banba

Ballyhillion,Malin Head,Malin Head

As the most northerly cafe in Ireland, Caffe Banba may have no roof or walls, but they do have staggeringly beautiful views of the spectacular Donegal coastline and mountains. Visit them at the top of the world for fabulous fresh roasted coffee, delicious home baking, decadent Hot Chocolate, freshest air and the warmest welcome.

Best known for


Dietary range

  • Vegetarian

Food types

  • Light Bites


Malin Head,
Malin Head

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