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Donegal Restaurant Takeaways & Deliveries

Discover the restaurants in Donegal offering takeaway or delivery options.

Over the coming weeks, Donegal Tourism will bring information about local restaurants to our Donegal audience countywide in support of local business | #SupportLocal

Local businesses- if you would like your details to be added to this page, please CLICK HERE and complete the survey

Creeslough - Ards Coffee Tree

Ards Forest Park,Creeslough,Creeslough

Ards Coffee Tree aims to provide a relaxed and friendly snack outlet for all the visitors to Ards Forest Park

Business Hours:

12pm to 5PM Saturday and Sunday until July.

Each day for July and August


Coffee, teas, ice cream and tray bakes

Options available: Takeaway only

How to order:

In person

Best known for

Coffee, teas, ice cream and tray bakes


Ards Forest Park,

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